Although the dream is a very strange phenomenon and an inexplicable mystery, far more inexplicable is the mystery and aspect our minds confer on certain objects and aspects of life.
There are certain queer times and occasions in this strange mixed affair we call life when a man takes his whole universe for a vast practical joke.
I will not leave a corner of my consciousness covered up, but saturate myself with the strange and extraordinary new conditions of this life, and it will all refine itself into poetry later on.
Mother Teresa was asked what was the meaning of life, and she said to help other people, and I thought, 'What a strange thing to say' - but maybe it's the right thing to say.
It is an odd thing, owing life to pills, one's own quirks and tenacities, and this unique, strange, and ultimately profound relationship called psychotherapy.
I don't think anyone except the few people who have played James Bond can tell you how strange and special it is and how much your life changes.
To me, the whole idea of fame and I think it can be a real test of somebody, of who they are. You know, 'cause some strange things happen. I've seen some peculiar things as far as a person just living their life.
I have had strange animals as pets all my life. I was shy growing up, and shy people tend to interact better with animals than people. Animals are direct, not duplicitous.
Strange - I'm not much of a film person. I love watching films, but they don't stay with me the way books do. Stranger still, because my husband is a screenwriter!
Ladies and babies, and mortgages, for that matter, can all wait. Acting has done a strange thing to me, though. I often sit there, thinking, 'I love this, but I wouldn't put my daughter on the stage.'
Strangely, Dante's Divine Comedy did not produce a prose of that creative height or it did so after centuries.
My most cryptic, strange songs might be my most personal, but that isn't how people are going to receive them, because they don't know the code.
Strangely enough, the first character in Fried Green Tomatoes was the cafe, and the town. I think a place can be as much a character in a novel as the people.
It was strange even after suffering from fate, a person in love would choose the same fate over his life.
It may seem a strange principle to enunciate as the very first requirement in a hospital that it should do the sick no harm.
It's a very strange silence that I'm living in right now. It's a silence that has a lot of activity and noise in it from a zone that I don't live in on this earth.
It's a strange thing, but you get this click in your brain; the wonderful feeling that the entirety of a character is suddenly available and accessible to you.
He's a very strange guy, my father. I can't get mad at him because he's so adorable.
Everything Marilyn does is different from any other woman, strange and exciting, from the way she talks to the way she uses that magnificent torso.
Once you have heard a strange audience burst into laughter at a film you directed, you realize what the word joy is all about.
No man would find an abiding strangeness on the Moon unless he were the sort of man who could find it in his own back garden.