I was always a dreamer, in childhood especially. People thought I was a little strange.
Strange enlightenments are vouchsafed to those who seek the higher places.
Izzy. Sweet, beautiful, but eternally strange Izzy.
If you haven't found something strange during the day, it hasn't been much of a day.
It's a little strange to become a kind of symbol of a whole type of analysis.
Acting is just a job at the end of the day, and it's a very strange one.
They do certainly give very strange, and newfangled, names to diseases.
I have this very strange sensitive skin. If I put anything on it but this one product, it erupts into a rash.
I feel comfortable in places like London. You get many cultures in L.A. but it's strangely segregated.
What in heaven's name is strange about a grandmother dancing nude? I'll bet lots of grandmothers do it.
There are strange flowers of reason to match each error of the senses.
I was a strange, loud little kid who could sit at the piano and kill a Beethoven piece.
People are complicated. Our behavior towards one another is strange. So I like opportunities to investigate that.
My scary strange English shall only be counted as my English problem.
In all seriousness, it really should be difficult for me to be too strange. After all, a great family raised me.
I have a sister and her name is Mimsy, like from 'Alice in Wonderland,' so we've got some strange names in our family.
On one hand I am this weird androgynous tomboy where I'm strangely low maintenance and have a five-minute makeup regimen. On the other I'm obsessed with all things beauty, from skin care to makeup.
You can't possibly fathom the ins and outs of a prepubescent beauty treatment until you've felt the strange but exhilarating tingle of a cottage-cheese-and-Pop-Rocks facial.
All things must change to something new, to something strange.
As a kid, I loved 'Godot' because of the poetry and the humor and the strangeness, but then as you get older, it's much more resonant.
I read daft history books. Sometimes the books I read are a bit crackers or strange.