Last night the secrets of the universe were revealed to me, and they had nipples.
Who Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your LifeYou can’t be the best all the time. But that’s what clones are for—to be you while you sleep.
Who Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your LifeI make love like an albino sings—softly, and from sunset to sunrise (except in Alaska).
Who Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your LifeWomen are called the fairer sex. Are they just not as tan, or are they actually more reasonable?
Who Moved My Choose?: An Amazing Way to Deal With Change by Deciding to Let Indecision Into Your LifeYou'll get younger not from what you read but from what you apply in your life. (192)
Younger by the Day: 365 Ways to Rejuvenate Your Body and Revitalize Your SpiritAre you fully convinced that what is familiar to you is really the better way?
Teaching Naked: How Moving Technology Out of Your College Classroom Will Improve Student Learning