My general view is the delivery of news is changing in dramatic ways, and will continue to change into ways we can't even predict.
The only way people are going to change their car buying habits, and the only way government will get behind alternatively fueled vehicles, is if gasoline prices continue to go up.
I won't forget the hood. I won't forget the days of catching a bullet on the way to the mailbox or bricks with death threats that somehow made their way through the window.
I don't stand in anybody else's way of accomplishing their dreams, and I don't like people standing in my way, either. That seems like a hostile thing to do.
The way to kill a man or a nation is to cut off his dreams, the way the whites are taking care of the Indians: killing their dreams, their magic, their familiar spirits.
The only way you multiply resources is with technology. To really affect poverty, energy, health, education, or anything else - there is no other way.
An identity based in the one-way love of God does not take into account public opinion or, thankfully, even personal opinion.
I've always found a way to make my way, and now I've had the fortune of being hired by a great company - Chrysler Corporation - one of the original Big Three.
I believe that, by and large, people are good and everybody you meet is more likely to surprise you in a positive way than in a negative way.
I turned from my wicked ways and embraced Jesus. The next thing I knew, good times had come my way.
There's an assumption if you have any faith you vote this way, you vote that way, or you're this, or you're absolutely a conservative, and those just aren't all true.
One of the things I learned the hard way was that it doesn't pay to get discouraged. Keeping busy and making optimism a way of life can restore your faith in yourself.
It's easy to imagine ways the future can be ugly and depressing. It's harder, but more worthwhile, to imagine plausible ways we can make it better.
I've learned the hard way how valuable privacy is. And I've learned that there are a lot of things in your life that really benefit from being private. And relationships are one of them.
The problem in Hollywood is that they try to become the only kind of cinema in the world, okay? The imposition everywhere of a unique culture, which is Hollywood culture, and a unique way of life, which is the American way of life.
Laughter is a way of really letting out all this pressure that you could face in your daily life in the suffering of your people, and comedy is almost like a medicine to your soul in a way.
For John Wilkes Booth, sweeping, grand gestures were a way of life. It was how he navigated his way through this world. The bigger and bolder, the better.
I put together the influences of my life in as clear a way as I possibly can, in the same way that Beethoven or Schoenberg or Bach put their influences together.
I can assure you, public service is a stimulating, proud and lively enterprise. It is not just a way of life, it is a way to live fully.
I unfortunately had a lot of medical procedures throughout my life, so I decided to paint all of my surgeries as a way to heal and as a way to grow.
Something about the cultural tradition of Jews is way, way more sympathetic to science and learning and intellectual pursuits than Islam.