I love fake people provided they are mannequins.
Comparisons are always welcomed when drawn in favor.
Writing is my passion, expression and an incessant obsession.
Indifference was our greatest enemy.
God transforms us one area at a time.
A moment with Jesus changed everything.
..holding a book but reading the empty spaces.
First of all, it was October, a rare month for boys.
Everything that happens before Death is what counts.
All that is important comes in quietness and waiting.
Humor was a good way to hide the pain.
A little imagination goes a long way in Fes.
The way of success is the way of continuous pursuit of knowledge.
Life without liberty is like a body without spirit.
Sometimes the wisdom of the elderly is equivalent to that of a child.
It doesn’t have to end, does it?” “I hope it never ends.
The greatest dream that we can have is to forget that we are dreaming.
Relationships are ropes. Love is a noose. - Durzo Blint
It had better be. It doesn't do much when it's soft.
No serviré a Dios como un obrero a la espera de mi salario.
Ha a könnycseppek képesek lettek volna félúton lecsordulva megfagyni, hát az övéi megtették volna