Ha!" cried Dr John contemptuously. "Magic! That is chiefly used for killing Frenchmen, is it not?
Jonathan Strange & Mr NorrellIt was stealing her breath, imbecile. Go get a towel." -Christophe, Strange Angels by Lili St. Crow
Strange AngelsLife is a weird place, what gonna happen next? No one knows it and nothing is guaranteed.
The Strange CoupleThere was no heaven here. Eternal life meant waking up as a putrid corpse.
Something Strange and DeadlyIf he be Mr. Hyde" he had thought, "I shall be Mr. Seek.
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. HydeBecause the world has gone nutty and art always paints the spirit of its times
Stranger in a Strange LandNo matter what the situation may be, I still take pleasure in witnessing the joy of others.
The Strange LibraryLove is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.
Stranger in a Strange LandStrange things are always abounding. Watch and discern. There is always a lesson to be learned.
Love Found MeThe drive for power is even less logical than the sex urge . . . and stronger.
Stranger in a Strange LandShe is the glorious reincarnation of every woman ever loved.
The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava LavenderLike every living thing its prime characteristic is a blind, unreasoned instinct to survive.
Stranger in a Strange LandProperty is not the natural and obvious and inevitable concept that most people think it is.
Stranger in a Strange Land