But you see, a rich country like America can perhaps afford to be stupid.
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and InheritanceHe (Daedalus) would follow that bearing, the sun on his shoulders and the past slipping away.
Daedalus Rising - The True Story of IcarusThe perfect human being is uninteresting. — Joseph Campbell
Eye of the Beholder: True Stories of People with Facial DifferencesYeah, it didn't work like that because lies cannot protect
Emerging with Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, and the Love That Healswere under the very erroneous impression that we had money. Of
First Thrills: High-Octane Stories from the Hottest Thriller AuthorsBut I know that for every good thing that comes along, there is always a cost.
Four: A Divergent Story CollectionIt's about the quality of the worry," I said. "I have happier worries now than I used to.
The Film Club: A True Story of a Father and SonI mean that it's all right to go to bed with an asshole but don't ever have a baby with one.
The Film Club: A True Story of a Father and SonMen's loyalty to their women dies hard - and almost always too late. ("I'm Dangerous Tonight")
The Fantastic Stories of Cornell WoolrichExtreme joy and extreme sorrow are indistinguishable beyond a certain point. ("Jane Brown's Body")
The Fantastic Stories of Cornell WoolrichThat's a man's vital spot, the helpless thing he loves. ("Jane Brown's Body")
The Fantastic Stories of Cornell WoolrichMemories hold you back; their weight crushes your spirit.
Grounded: The Untold Story of Peter Pan & Captain Hook