Adoption is a beautiful, burdensome blessing.
The Eye of Adoption: The True Story of My Turbulent Wait for a BabyTrauma is personal. It does not disappear if it is not validated.
Emerging with Wings: A True Story of Lies, Pain, and the Love That HealsMy eyes were glued on life and they were full of tears.
Atop an Underwood: Early Stories and Other WritingsI think the short story is a very underrated art form. We know that novels deserve respect.
Neil GaimanMarble flooring is to a Punjabi what a foreign degree is to a Tamilian
2 States: The Story of My MarriagePhysical attractiveness is no indicator of an individual's beauty." from "The Beauty of Ugh
I am not Frazzle!: And other stories for grown-upsWould you believe in a story without the heroes? There are stories without heroes.
Just the Way I FeelWorry wasn’t an emotion to which he was particularly accustomed—and it worried him.
Snooze: A Story of Awakening