Like the tail fins on fifties American cars or the parabolic shapes of Populuxe furniture, 'West Side Story' incarnates the dream of momentum in the golden age of the twentieth century.
Writing is solitary. You spend so much time alone and in your own mind, telling stories.
There are some amazing stories from all over this country, where people's work and contribution has been acknowledged. To be part of that is an absolutely fantastic feeling.
Walmart is an amazing story of entrepreneurship and, as one of the world's most powerful brands, touches millions of lives every day.
I just want to be a part of great stories, whether I'm part of an amazing ensemble cast or I'm leading it or the antagonist or whatever.
I would fix other people's lines if they asked me on occasion. The hard part of writing is the architecture of it, getting the story and structuring it. Not the tweaking of lines.
We need art. We've been telling stories since the beginning. As human beings, we need it for our survival.
The wreckers against the builders!” said Elmer. “There’s the whole story of life!
Great idea," I said. "Call the police. Call the fucking police.
Sex isn't all that important, but it is when you love someone very much.
Tearing money is an impiety, like throwing away bread.
These are the stories that we tell ourselves and only ourselves, and they are better left unshared.
Curiosity did not kill the cat all by itself.
I'll fail." "At schoool.""Failing at school is failing at life.
If bread - the staff of life - feeds the body; stories nourish the soul.
Nobody's story is real unless we share it with someone who matters.
You’re just another story I can’t tell anymore.
He was a story at least, even if he never became anything else.
I already knew the next story that I was going to rewrite from the beginning. Mine.
I have no conscience at all -- least of all an artistic conscience. All I have is nerves.
At sunrise everything is luminous but not clear.