Television's not going read stories to you.
Physics is the story of matter, with waves or particles.
Physics is the story of matter, with strings or particles.
Not all stories translate well when read out loud.
'Dystopian,' by definition, promises a darker story.
Write your own story, preferably in tattoos.
I've written thousands of stories, started hundreds of news cycles.
Most of the stories I read are about my Hollywood pedigree.
The story you live is the ripple you leave.
Description is the color in the canvas of your story.
It's all about letting the story take over.
I was an English-literature major, and that's all about stories and narratives.
A story is built on characters and reasons.
I was actually cut out of 'L.A. Story'... and rightfully so.
Everyone I talk to has a Genesis story to tell.
The story of the tree is written on every leaf.
Every crack in the sidewalk has a story to tell.
The story of technology seems to go up and then retract into simplicity again.
Simple stories... emerge as lovely films or television pieces.
When guys do books or stories, all I like to see is the truth.
Tarot is just stories on cards.