Both cheap value stocks and more glamorous growth stocks can work well in a portfolio - if done right.
Soap: You want a sandwich, Bacon?
Eddie: Can we lock up and get drunk now?
"Hatchet" Harry: Back to you, already-Eddie.
Soap: Tom, what have you been eatin'?
I don't think anybody ever makes any money buying and selling stock. They have to make money by keeping the stock.
It is better to make money in the straw market than to lose it in the money market.
This malignant persistence since September 11th is the biggest surprise of all. In previous decades, sneak attacks, stock-market crashes, and other great crises became hinges on which American history swung in dramatically new directions. But events ...
He put a ring in the toe of a stocking. On Christmas Eve, we opened our stockings and it was there at the bottom of the toe. Then he got down on his knees and he was shaking.
Gary: Bastard! You fucking bastard! [Firing at "Hatchet" Harry]
One sticking point was that Jobs wanted his payout to be in cash. Amelio insisted that he needed to "have skin in the game" and take the payout in stock that he would agree to hold for at least a year.” Jobs resisted. Finally, they compromised: Job...
Premium Fantasy woman: Mr. Kazu sent me, premium fantasy. My stockings. Rip them. [sounds like "lip them"] Premium Fantasy woman: Rip my stockings. Yes, please, rip them. Bob: What? Premium Fantasy woman: Rip them. HEY! Rip my stocking! Bob: Hey? Lip...
I always said that if I wasn't studying psychopaths in prison, I'd do it at the stock exchange.
Winston: Charles, get the rifle out. We're being fucked.
[about to kill Willie with a machete] Mickey: It's time to say goodnight, nurse!
Paul: Gordon Bennett. What the fuck's been going on here?
Soap: OY! Keep your fingers out of my soup!
A lot of people at Shearson ended up making a lot of money because they had stock or stock options. Their kids were able to go to college, and it changed a lot of people's lives.
Marketers and executives are very different from the average consumer, so your instincts may mislead you.
Poor practices are blunting email marketing’s effectiveness and keeping its ROI from being truly awesome.
Investments in greater email marketing sophistication often lead to even higher returns, not diminishing returns.