Woody: [deleted scene] [Woody is asking the Roundup gang to come back to Andy's with him] Woody: Bullseye, are you with me? [Bullseye licks him like a dog] Woody: Ah! Okay! Good boy. [walks toward Prospector's box] Woody: Prospector, how 'bout you? [...
And everyone lived happily, thought maybe not completely honestly, ever after. The End.
Woody: Wait a minute, you turned on the TV last night, not Jessie. Stinky Pete the Prospector: We have an eternity to spend at the museum together. Let's not put it in a fight. Woody: You really ARE Stinky Pete, aren't you? Jessie: Prospector, this i...
Woody: [Jessie shuts off the TV as the "Woody's Roundup" episode ends] Hey, w-wait, What happened? What happens next? Come on, let's see the next episode! Stinky Pete the Prospector: That's it. Woody: What? Stinky Pete the Prospector: The show was ca...
Stinky Pete the Prospector: Idiots! Children destroy toys. You'll be ruined, forgotten, spending eternity rotting on some landfill. Woody: Well, Stinky Pete, I think it's time you learned the true meaning of playtime.
[in "Woody's Roundup" Jessie is trying to extinguish a dynamite fuse] Stinky Pete the Prospector: You're just fannin' the flames, Jessie. It takes brains to put out that fire. [sits on the fuse, then jumps right back up] Stinky Pete the Prospector: Y...
Woody: [yelling through the heat duct] Help! Buzz! Guys! Stinky Pete the Prospector: It's too late, Woody! That silly Buzz Lightweight can't help you. Woody: His name is Buzz Lightyear! Stinky Pete the Prospector: Whatever. I've always hated those up...
[right when the Prospector is out of his box, and is tightening the screw back onto the heat duct] Jessie: Prospector?'! Woody: You're outta your box! Stinky Pete the Prospector: I tried reasoning with you, Woody, but you keep forcing me to take extr...
I wrote a song called "Stinky Sodomite." It isn't a pop song, a historical song, or a song condemning homosexuality. Rather, it is a children's song that teaches them how to count. In fact, the only time the words "Stinky Sodomite" appear in the song...
[Woody's arm is ripped by the Prospector's pickaxe] Stinky Pete the Prospector: It's your choice, Woody. Either you can go to Japan together or in pieces. He fixed you once, he can fix you again. Now get in the box. Woody: Never. Stinky Pete the Pros...
A brick could be used as a deodorant deterrent. Just ask any stinky Congressman.
Sentences are like just caught fish. Spunky today, stinky tomorrow.
I don't want to be stinky poo poo girl, I want to be happy flower child.
My character was obnoxious, had stinky feet and wore things like purple tights and a yellow top. I hated the clothes.
One time Robert Plant was set to check into the same room after I checked out, so I removed every light bulb and ordered up a bunch of stinky cheese and put it under the mattress.
Woody: [Woody's arm finally rips completely off] Aaaahhh! It's gone! I can't believe it! My arm is completely gone! Stinky Pete the Prospector: All right. Come here. Come on. Let me see that. Oh, it's just a popped seam. Easily repaired! You should c...
I'll never wake up in a good mood again. I'm tired of these stinky boots
I just bought some long-lasting deodorant. You know, for the afterlife. Eternity is a long time to have stinky armpits.
My first wife tried to get back with me a year later, but there was no way. I used to think she was the be-all and end-all, but I got my stinky little pride back.
So they ended up turning this little twenty eight page book into the movie. And it's all about this stinky, smelly ogre who doesn't care what anybody thinks of him.
The bad, icky and stinky things that happen sometimes should never be allowed to have an adverse effect over the good, lovely and beautiful things happening everyday.