Having money is a way of being free of money
Put your money where your mouth is.
Borrowed money shortens time; working for others lengthens it.
Money can buy a lot that is not even for sale.
Win your lawsuit and lose your money.
Love does wonders, but money makes marriages.
With money you can comfort any woman.
Wisdom is not like money to be tied up and hidden.
God often pays debts without money.
Money has no ears but it hears; no legs but it walks.
Transactions in Hell also depend upon money.
With money you can build a road in the sea.
Give me money, not advice.
The best parents are both purses for money and sacks for the corn.
Money is better than my lord's letter.
Love can do much, money can do everything.
Love can do much, money can do more.
Not to watch your workmen is to lose your money.
Money spent on the mind is never spent in vain.
Too nice can cost a lot of money.
Money almost always ends up disappointing. Buying things to give lasing satisfaction is an illusion. Money can't buy happiness. The people with the most money are often times the MOST miserable people.