The sun that shines today is the sun that shone when thy father was born, and will still be shining when thy last grandchild shall pass into the darkness.
You could take the entirety of the common sense of humans and put it in the palm of your hand and still have room for your dick.
We just move on, don’t we, with traitors still amongst us? But there was one thought that wouldn’t go away. If I loved him, I would forgive him.
…he’d assumed their relationship would go on forever. It was going on now, but in another way, like the rearrangement of the stars, which were all still in the sky, just burning in unexpected places.
My sheep pants don’t make me one of them. However, 37 Brantleys made an appeal on my behalf, but I still have to take off my pants.
I am an elevator in a one-story building. I am ascending. But my love for you is still on the ground floor, waiting for you to push the button.
Even when we’re old, I’ll still look at you with the same eyes. (Who else’s eyes am I going to look at you with?) My love for you is Louis Braillesque.
I haven't personally met God yet, but when I do, I'll ask him if he still believes in you. I'm sure he does.
My love has six sides, but it’s not a coffin. That’s just an optical illusion. Still, one day my love for you will be the death of me.
I dreamt it in my dream. You tried to steal my dream—the whole thing. But even though it was a dream, it was still too heavy for you to lift.
I want to design sleeveless jackets for armless men. I'm still trying to work out how they would zip it up though.
I started to enjoy the regal sport of cockfighting... but I'm still having trouble getting the hang of windmilling the bayonet
You don’t need to have a fight before great sex. I can keep my cool and still bring the heat every time.
Things I can’t live without: food, water, love. But not her love, because I haven’t had that in a long time, yet I’m still alive.
I wrote a thesis on love, and I wrote it in lipstick. Of course, I also got blood on the paper, because the lipstick was still attached to her cheating lips.
I need to work smarter, harder, faster, and longer than you. And if I still don't come out in front, then simply changing directions will correct that.
I still remember my middle school locker combination. Maybe I should go back to my old locker to see if I left my innocence in there.
I'm not fluent in affluent. Still, I’m grin rich, and my smile stretches from yesterday to tomorrow. You should kiss me on today.
I notice when you’re gone. With you not being there I notice your unbeing, with you still being a being in time but not my space.
The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places; but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now mingled with grief, it grows perhaps the greater.
...inability to lie is still far from being love to truth. Be on your guard! ... He who cannot lie, doth not know what truth is.