No matter what the situation may be, I still take pleasure in witnessing the joy of others.
The Strange Libraryif you favorite her all tweets but don't follow her Dude! you're still madly in love with her!
Mom Says No GirlfriendIf man doesn't dream, he has nothing." "A man whose dreams will never come true still has nothing.
Motion To KillWe are all hungry for love, acceptance and belonging. Rejection can still feel like death.
A Model for LivingDo you still insist on telling the truth even though you know that it could destroy this world?
Master of StupidityA half a hole is still a whole hole. Let that be a lesson in love.
My love can only occupy one person at a timeYou who suffer because you love, love still more. To die of love, is to live by it.
Les MisérablesYou cannot be a positive influence to the “sinners at the table" if you refuse to dine with them.
Look into the stillness