So much barbarism, however, still remains in the transactions of most civilized nations, that almost all independent countries choose to assert their nationality by having, to their inconvenience and that of their neighbors, a peculiar currency of th...
Opportunities are rare in this life, and fairness, rarer still. So, when you discover a fair opportunity, go after as if it were your last because it very well might be.
But Eraserhead was the first real intense kind of thing I had ever done before the cameras and Lynch had to really bring me down a lot and he still does.
Because you know, down deep in my heart, when all is said and done, I still live under the illusion that basically people think of me as an up-and-coming young actor.
By standing still, we're making the things we don't like about Obamacare even worse, forcing Missourians to bear all the costs of this law - and reap none of the benefits.
I couldn't make sense of things. But then I began the process of civilising myself and trying to become a decent human being. I'm still working on it.
Singing in Spanish is much more honest, much closer to my roots. For me, Spanish is essential. I still think in Spanish, dream in Spanish. It's the melodies and arrangements that transmit meaning.
I wish thy lot, now bad, still worse, my friend, for when at worst, they say, things always mend.
My goal was, and still is, to write first, direct my own stuff whenever possible and control my own creative destiny.
I once told a journalist that girls call me 'Kitten,' but I couldn't have been more sarcastic, and no matter how many times I've said that it was a joke, it still doesn't go away.
In private some critics have come up to me afterwards and told me they honestly enjoyed the movie. Then they'd tell me that they're still going to have to write it up negatively.
AC/DC is a prime example of taking that blues rock thing and just living in that world. They only really move the furniture around a little on each album, but it still works.
I still enjoy performing, whether it's in front of two people or 2,000 people, but it's not fun once you leave the big show.
But I couldn't cut that whole septic tank scene out because the audience liked it so much. So I sort of fell right back into getting a cheap laugh, but I still loved it.
I like to have projects that belong completely to me. If done right, it can also pay better. But the majority of my projects are still destined for publishers.
I just thought: Oh goodness, you can wear nice clothes and get your hair done and still be a feminist and a serious intellectual.
By the way, when you finish the bottle of Crown Royal, you can still use the pouch to hold your broken dreams.
Still, he couldn’t reconcile with the way he felt every time their eyes met, a feeling he had never forgotten that resonated with his very being.
If people had told me that I would have the stamina to conduct 'Ring Cycles,' I would have been amazed. I still am.
I still say if the ball is there to be won I will go for it, whether with my head or whatever, and if it means us scoring or stopping a goal, I won't think twice.
Four years was enough of Harvard. I still had a lot to learn, but had been given the liberating notion that now I could teach myself.