My brother is a policeman; my sister's an English teacher. When I hear what they make versus what I make, it's ridiculous.
My only worry about tweeting and modern technology is how it has crept into even the darkest corners of the absolute global village we live in.
When people come to Twitter and they want to express something in the world, the technology fades away. It's them writing a simple message and them knowing that people are going to see it.
Healthcare has been the last major industry that hasn't been touched by technology in terms of productivity and consumer adoption in the way so many other industries have.
To discover your mission and put it into action - instead of worrying on the sidelines - is to find peace of mind and a heart full of love.
I'd love to have the time to learn to sing opera properly rather than bellowing half-formed fragments of melody in exuberant moments.
I love the way soft white cheese such as ricotta or the creamier mascarpone reflect the milieu in which an animal has been raised.
I have an iPod, but I put my music in it from my CDs, and then I have that CD in my library.
When a man goes through six years training to be a doctor he will never be the same. He knows too much.
My problem is, if any place I'm sleeping catches on fire, I've got a problem because it takes me 20 minutes to get everything moving in the morning.
I wake up laughing. Yes, I wake up in the morning and there I am just laughing my head off.
Writing is never, ever easy but I wake up every morning grateful for the gift of being able to do this.
I am always really buzzed after each performance, and at around one in the morning, I'll hit a brick wall and need to sleep.
Acting is invigorating. But I don't analyse it too much. It's like a dog smelling where it's going to do its toilet in the morning.
It's not my passion to wake up at 6:00 in the morning to do my exercises. Sometimes I really hate it. I'm lazy.
I'm not an early bird at all. Ideally, on Saturday morning I'd allow myself a lovely lie-in. 10:45 would be just right.
I don't like my men to be too ornate. I like them to stand back and let their women shine, and they should really wear the pants in the relationship.
Brutal men with unlimited power are the same all over the world.
My mother was a Sunday school teacher. So I am a byproduct of prayer. My mom just kept on praying for her son.
They say that when a woman wants to end a relationship, she cuts off all of her hair. I've done that twice in my marriage but am still married.
Obviously, CGI in the last ten years has gone through such leaps and bounds that today, people are looking for these kinds of movies to wow audiences with technology.