The function of the politician, therefore, is one of continuous watchfulness and activity, and he must have intimate knowledge of details if he would work out grand results.
Writing is what we do. What else could I want in a life partner than someone who knows and shares what I do?
I spent my adult life as a scientist, and science is, essentially, the most successful approach we have to try and understand the vast mysteries around.
Of all the characteristics needed for both a happy and morally decent life, none surpasses gratitude. Grateful people are happier, and grateful people are more morally decent.
I want the joy of knowing that I am doing something with my life, the joy of battle.
Life is like a cash register, in that every account, every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded.
Retarding the aging process would be therapy and enhancement because it would mean defeating diseases and because it would extend our life span.
The more you create authentic power, the more the characteristics of authentic power become yours, and the more meaning, purpose and joy enter your life.
Preaching is to much avail, but practice is far more effective. A godly life is the strongest argument you can offer the skeptic.
If you can tune into your purpose and really align with it, setting goals so that your vision is an expression of that purpose, then life flows much more easily.
If there were more than one path to salvation then it would totally negate Jesus' sacrifice on the cross, his life, his teachings.
Friend, there's no greater investment in life than in being a people builder. Relationships are more important than our accomplishments.
I'm not trying to follow a set of rules and stuff. I'm just living my life.
I must ask the Lord to direct the Holy Spirit within me to drain the life out of sin and in prayer.
Many of the mainstream agricultural scientists, especially at the agricultural schools, but at all of our major universities, are tied into all sorts of contractual relationships and consulting relationships with the life science companies.
What's different here is that we have now technologies that allow these life science companies to bypass classical breeding. That's what makes it both powerful and exciting.
My basis of morality is this: does this action enhance life, or does it denigrate life? Does it build up or does it tear down?
The perfect PIN is not four digits and not associated with your life, like an old telephone number. It's something easy for you to remember and hard for other people to guess.
My illness is excruciating and difficult to cope with. It takes over your entire life and causes more suffering than I can describe.
Man - life in general - seems irrelevant to the workings of the universe: a mere smudge of water, grease, and carbon on a pinpoint planet circling a star of no special consequence.
I know it may sound silly, but I think my short stories have a life and identity of their own. They crop up in all sorts of places.