I never wanted Ford to be a place, like the tobacco industry, where our employees were not proud of coming to work for us. I felt there was a danger of that, should we be marginalized as a major polluter.
Avon is a unique place to work; we've got family-friendly policies. We have more senior women in high-level management than any other company; 46 percent of our officers are women.
But Nita had always seen having a child as selfish. Why bring another soul into this world, she'd say, when there are so many out there that need our help?
Sometimes it's better not to ask-or to listen-when tell you something can't be done. I didn't ask for permission or approval. I just went ahead and did it.
Want to be a writer? take a good book a good pen and a notepad to bed with you every night of your life.
Winners quit fast, quit often, and quit without guilt
Life Lessons According to Camryn: One must handle stress like a dog; if you can't eat it or play with it, pee on it and walk away
The first sign that Karma was now in cahoots with the Devil Incarnate to ruin her existance should've been before sunrise and pre-coffee.
Aber sie hat immer mit mir geredet, als wäre ich jemand. Und das, verstehen Sie, das macht einen ganz neuen Menschen aus einem.
What we do every time we pray is to confess our impotence and God's sovereignty.
Then his beautiful lips touched hers. A fluttering of wings, a cry of angels, a single beat of two hearts.
The enemy came to steal,kill and destroy our hero Steve Biko. He was chosen by God and no one can deny that.
You can think a thing over many times and still have no idea how you'll answer the question, if ever it's asked.
At least that left hope for him. Except "Beauty and the Geek" wasn’t exactly the proper translation of the popular fairy tale.
The silence is the worst part of any fight, because it's made up of all the things we wish we could say, if only we had the guts.
I've always believed in instinct over intellect. The instinct is what you always knew; intellect is what you figure out.
So tall and lithe in his suede and leather outfit. So utterly gorgeous it almost ached to look at him.
He hugged her tight, mixing their tears to be bottled and fermented, so they could be drunk on each other when this was all over.
There is no greater love than a maker’s for the things she makes. Especially when they grow to be something she never imagined.
While information is the oxygen of the modern age, disinformation is the carbon monoxide that can poison generations.
An open internet is an open platform for debating opposing views. It allows unpopular voices to be heard.