I prefer people to see me as an Ivorian and as a patriot.
I'm proud of the fact that I pitched almost 3,300 innings.
You never know what you're going to get as a receiver.
I am incredibly proud to return to the Yahoo board.
The opportunity for an entrepreneur to start a company from scratch today is abysmal.
I've made a commitment to concentrate on my career as an entertainer.
My legs are ice skaters' legs. No tan in sight.
My brother went on to have a long and sordid career.
When I was younger, I was always taught not to make excuses.
That's how you win - pitching and defense.
I've always been uncomfortable, so to speak, when the focus is on me.
Sometimes we crash and burn. It's better to do it in private.
The leader is the person who brings a little magic to the moment.
If you want a CEO role, you have to prepare for it with a vengeance.
I'm not afraid of criticism or what somebody may think.
My first recollection is that of a bugle call.
A champion is someone who gets up when he can't.
When you can't compete on cost, compete on quality.
I myself scraped seven poor passes at O-level.
We need to encourage investors to invest in high-technology startups.
We are the first to ever publicly advertise we don't test on animals.