During the act of making something, I experience a kind of blissful absence of the self and a loss of time. When I am done, I return to both feeling as restored as if I had been on a trip. I almost never get this feeling any other way. I once spent s...
Do you know, my darling, how very much God loves you? He loves you so much that He created you and blessed you with this life. He gives you the strength to help you grow; trust in Him and this you will know. He nourishes you with food and drink, but ...
—Rojo… Fuego… Sus miradas chocaron de nuevo mientras sus resuellos se entrelazaron. Con lentitud, ella se deshizo de los guantes, atrapó la cremallera de su chaqueta de cuero consiguiendo que el ruido metálico, al bajar poco a poco, resonara ...
Nada disso tem a ver com moralidade, religião, dogmas ou grandes questões sobre a vida após a morte. A verdade com V maiúsculo diz respeito à vida antes da morte. Diz respeito a chegar aos trinta, ou quem sabe aos cinquenta, sem querer dar um ti...
If I weren't so screwed up, I would've sold my soul a long time ago for a handsome man who made me feel pretty or who could at least treat me to a Millionaire's Martini. Instead I lingered over a watered down Sparkling Apple and felt sorry about what...
U njezinim očima drhtale su suze...A on je osjećao da pripadaju njemu...Sva mu duša zatrepti. Nije vidio ništa drugo nego njezine suzne oči, ni na šta nije više mislio, samo je osjećao nju. U tom osjećaju povuče njezine ruke i privine ih na...
No intentes enterrar el dolor: se extenderá a través de la tierra, bajo tus pies; se filtrará en el agua que hayas de beber y te envenenará la sangre. Las heridas se cierran, pero siempre quedan cicatrices más o menos visibles que volverán a mo...
Drake: "I know it;s love because I think of you night and day. I miss you when you are sitting right next to me. When I look at you my heart races and my stomach turns in the best and worst way possible. When I'm with you I feel complete, I feel whol...
Eis os únicos barcos que temos para voltar a nossa pátria; eis nosso único meio de escapar de Minos. Ele, que fechou todas as outras saídas, não pode fechar o ar para nós; resta-nos o ar; fenda-o graças a minha invenção. Mas não é para a v...
I excuse myself and go to the ladies’ room. Washing my hands, I give myself a little you can do this type pep talk. When I walk out, I see him leaned up against the wall opposite the door. "Long line for the men's room?" I try to joke, moving past ...
<< Los sonidos van y vienen, pero el silencio permanece.>> En cierta ocasión, ta vez cuarenta años atrás, en un hotel mugriento y anónimo al borde del Sahara en la frontera de Mauritania, me depertó el silencio al que se refería el anciano. Per...
Amor mío, no te quiero por vos ni por mí ni por los dos juntos, no te quiero porque la sangre me llame a quererte, te quiero porque no sos mía, porque estás del otro lado, ahí donde me invitás a saltar y no puedo dar el salto, porque en lo más...
Los científicos e individuos de finales del siglo veinte son altamente creyentes, tanto como los científicos de antaño, lo único que ha cambiado es el objeto de su fe, los tradicionales creían en principios universales que regían el cosmos visi...
Tutto cambiò in un pomeriggio di primavera, in una giornata come tante, in una Nuova Delhi brulicante di anime. Kajal e Kiran avevano deciso di allontanarsi per qualche ora da quelle strade trafficate, dagli odori forti, dal frastuono del mondo. Vol...
¿Quieres entender que es un año de vida? Pregúntaselo a un estudiante que acaba de suspender el examen de fin de curso. ¿Un mes de vida? Díselo a una mujer que acaba de traer al mundo a un niño prematuro y espera que salga de la incubadora para...
Finiscila, Jane! Dai troppo peso all'amore degli esseri umani. Sei troppo impulsiva, troppo irruenta. La mano divina che ha creato il tuo corpo, e poi vi ha soffiato dentro la vita, ti ha dotato di risorse che vanno ben oltre la tua fragilità dei tu...
I held back from seeing Jacob much during those weeks. He wanted only his mother, and I wasn’t sure I could handle seeing him like that. I stopped by to pick up his siblings and take them away, but I rarely went inside the house. After several days...
Noel: A lot of people see friends as something you have on Twitter or Facebook or wherever. If someone wants to read your updates and you want to read their updates, then you’re friends. You don’t ever have to see each other. But that seems like ...
-Simplemente pensé… no lo se. Pensé que me odiarías. La diversión desapareció de su rostro. Se acerco a mí y apoyo las manos en mis hombros, sus ojos color verde oscuro estaban serios. ―Rose, nada en este mundo podría hacer que te odiara. ...
You see, we were able to give you something, something which even now no one will ever take from you, and we were able to do that principally by sheltering you. Hailsham would not have been Hailsham if we hadn’t. Very well, sometimes that meant we ...
Wer niemals ganze Nachmittage lang mit glühenden Ohren und verstrubbeltem Haar über einem Buch saß und las und las und die Welt um sich her vergaß, nicht mehr merkte, daß er hungrig wurde oder fror - Wer niemals heimlich beim Schein einer Tasche...