Luke Skywalker: You know, I did feel something. I could almost see the remote. Ben Obi-Wan Kenobi: That's good. You have taken your first step into a larger world.
I want to write, direct, produce, but in steps. I want to take steps. I don't want to just jump in because I sold a lot of records and just feel like I can jump into the movie world. Naw, I want to learn the movie world like I learned the music world...
Whatever path we take, the first step is to acknowledge the complexity of the dilemma and to accept that simplistically dividing the past into good guys and bad guys leads nowhere. Unless, of course, we are willing to admit that we usually follow the...
I think I just said it, but I think it’s worth repeating. They gave me hope that there is good in the world out there. There really is. It really does exist. Regardless of how bad things can be, and how down on your luck you can be, or how bad your...
Starting isn’t like that. Starting something is not an event; it’s a series of events. You decide to walk to Cleveland. So you take a first step in the right direction. That’s starting. You spend the rest of the day walking toward Cleveland, on...
Truth is beheld by the intellect which is appeased by the most satisfying relations of the intelligible; beauty is beheld by the imagination which is appeased by the most satisfying relations of the sensible. The first step in the direction of truth ...
Some guys step on a rake in the dark, and get mad and go punch somebody. Others step on a rake in the dark and fall down laughing at themselves. I know which kind of guy I'd rather be. So do my friends.
If you’re tired of taking one step forward and two steps back, just turn around. That way you’ll be going forward in reverse.
The path to enlightenment is really very simple - all we need to do is stop cherishing ourself and learn to cherish others. All other spiritual realisations will naturally follow from this.
Given the reality of limited time and resources, best practices provide a valuable, low risk, default starting point.
Marketers and executives are very different from the average consumer, so your instincts may mislead you.
Poor practices are blunting email marketing’s effectiveness and keeping its ROI from being truly awesome.
Investments in greater email marketing sophistication often lead to even higher returns, not diminishing returns.
When we inconvenience ourselves to make someone's day more enjoyable, we not only give them hope; we also become better people.
Just because you believed and it didn't work out your way or according to your timetable, does not mean that it's over.
Apart from new dreams, opportunities, love and blessings in new places, it’s God’s most earnest desire to give you a new life.
If you're going to fulfil your full potential, you're going to have to turn off "safe mode" and give life your best shot.
The key to changing your self-image is not to call yourself by the mistakes you’ve made or how people see you, but to call yourself the way God sees you.
Rather than just trying to fight the past, a better thing to do would be to invest in the new and give today and this new season of your life your best shot.
Rather than just using where you are as an exit to your next season, choose to live life “on full” instead of “pushing-pause” till a better day.
Sometimes it takes more faith to stay in a place, be it in a relationship or a job that seems to be going nowhere than it does take faith to go somewhere else.