Agitate! Agitate! Ought to be the motto of every reformer. Agitation is the opposite of stagnation - the one is life, the other death.
The complaint of bad pay, and difficulty in obtaining it, is almost generally reiterated through every department of education.
Apply yourself. Get all the education you can, but then, by God, do something. Don't just stand there, make it happen.
There are some things that I like, like education, wine, and I'd like to be a good cook, although I'm a pretty good eater now.
If you're going down the street and you're going the wrong way, remember - God permits U-turns.
I'm part of a community that holds each other up, and it's been great to be held up too.
One travels to escape from it all, but that is the great illusion: It cannot be done, since one travels with one's mind.
Although elephants are far more distantly related to us than the great apes, they seem to have evolved similar social and cognitive capacities.
Sometimes I read about someone saying with great authority that animals have no intentions and no feelings, and I wonder, 'Doesn't this guy have a dog?'
I was born with a silver microphone in my mouth, and that was an advantage. My father wrote books and was also a great broadcaster.
The difference is that for a soundly conceived and solidly endowed republic it takes a great deal longer for those seeds to germinate and the plants to grow.
You can only do so many things great, and you should cast aside everything else.
Even technology companies get good news sometimes.
A good part of my leadership skills is crafted from learning from experiences early in my career that were not positive experiences.
People don't do good work when they feel like losers and are second-class citizens within their own company.
If you want to make good use of your time, you've got to know what's most important and then give it all you've got.
What's sort of interesting about the whole public relations disaster that is the Net, in some ways, is that the fundamentals are really good.
In our lives, we have good things and bad things, happiness and pain.
Lincoln's leadership is based on a number of precepts, but my favorite one is that he acted in the name, and for the good, of the people.
Being considerate of others will take your children further in life than any college degree.
Food was always important in my family, but I didn't think of it as a vocation until a later point in life.