Equities are boring; bonds are disgusting.
Don't trust anyone over thirty.
I've always had an addictive nature.
A tree is an incomprehensible mystery.
I think people respect honesty rather than hiding it.
I respect women to the utmost.
It's clear there is an energy positive in producing ethanol.
Not everything needs to be recycled.
It is worse to be irresolute than to be wrong.
Groupon has some interesting assets.
I don't think I'm a criminal, number one.
Experience is the extract of suffering.
Ferrari, together with my family, is the owner of my heart.
The infomercial business has been good to me.
Great companies are built on great products.
My dad's cool. He is socially liberal.
Inspiration is God making contact with itself.
Authenticity is absolutely the key to a great tweet.
Frank liked administrative work and was good at it.
Chris Rock is a very funny man.
But if there is a just God, there is ultimate justice.