Sanderson: [after Cpt. Steele orders Grimes to hook up with Eversmann] "MY GUYS, LET'S GO!" [Deltas depart for the Wolcott crash site with Grimes in-tow]
Since I first picked up the violin, I've been very interested in tone and texture: I would have very visceral reactions to the texture of a snare drum or a pedal steel guitar or a violin.
There's iron, they say, in all our blood, And a grain or two perhaps is good; But his, he makes me harshly feel, Has got a little too much of steel.
Netanyahu is pressured easily, gets into a panic, and loses his senses... to run a country like Israel a leader needs to have reason and judgment and nerves of steel, two traits he does not have.
She took the bottom of her shirt and wiped the handles of the blades. He made a face. “What was that for?” “Fingerprints. I’m not wastin’ time explainin’ to cops why six inches of steel went into a dumbass.
My favourite all-time work of fiction: Lord of the Rings. My favourite all-time nonfiction book: Guns, Germs, and Steel. Ask me again next week, you'll get a different answer.
That's it, Uncle Huey!" Imogene Duckworthy whipped off her apron and flung it onto the slick, stainless steel counter. "I quit!" If only her voice didn’t sound so young.
Not the last time in Western history, the revolutionaries armed themselves with a new religion to steel themselves for greater outrageous.
So, in a Civil Service where smooth and sociable performance was more useful than an individualistic competence, Enderby went up the scale quickly, and was at the Commissioner level when Baley himself was nothing more than a C-5.
The prison that exists in a man's mind is far more difficult to escape from than anything built with brick walls and steel doors. For it is the fear of freedom that holds you inside...
Now I'm a warrior Now i've got thicker skin I'm a warrior I'm stronger than i've ever been And my amor Is made of steel you can't get in i'm a warrior And you can never hurt me again
there is no game in her smile. There is warmth and kindness and something that looks like steel. You can tell me anything, her eyes say, because I will see the beauty in everything you say.
Of course. Silly me. Such a sad, exciting score, which no doubt you can play? So many accomplishments, Mr. Grey.” “And the greatest one is you, Miss Steele.
You have never tasted freedom, friend," Dienekes spoke, "or you would know it is purchased not with gold, but steel.
This thing all things devours: Birds, beasts, trees, flowers; Gnaws iron, bites steel; Grinds hard stones to meal; Slays king, ruins town, And beats high mountain down.
His smile was bright and sweet and hot enough to melt solid steel. "Is this the part where I kiss you?" "If you like." "Oh," he said, "I like.
Death and his scythe do not come. No sweeping black capes or ethereal escapes. There’s no pearly gate, no prisms of colors as his soul slips away. The stillness is cold steel. The silence is empty with no memory to mend it.
Well, what do you want me to do? Head butt my way through a few inches of steel?!” she snarled. “Well, that would certainly earn you a cookie!
The only way I’ll play beer pong is if the room was a sterile room, the table was stainless steel sprayed down with disinfectant, the ball brand new, and everybody playing wore gloves and hairnets underneath their space suits.
Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new-hatch'd, unfledg'd comrade.
You'll see. I have a collection of fine waistcoats and a handsome face." He stepped back to let her take in the full effect of both and her smile spread to the edge of a laugh.