Everybody loves a deal on a restaurant or skydiving or laser-hair removal.
You've got to go out there and kill what you're going to eat.
I do want to go out on top, as a winner.
If people are not laughing at your goals, your goals are too small.
I just had one of those 'what the hell are we doing' moments.
FDR's job results were, to put it politely, disturbing.
If you think about what acting is supposed to be, my job is to disappear.
I wasn't the greatest reporter in the world, but I wasn't starting at zero.
Take your job seriously, but don't take yourself too seriously.
Clearly, as a CEO, you have other functions that are managed by other people.
But each country has to advance and move at its own speed.
It is very clear that the Republicans do not want to raise taxes.
I am a former sabre fencer and fenced as part of the Uzbek republic team.
If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.
Concealers are like undergarments. They make you feel taller and thinner.
For a year, I had all sorts of weirdos coming on to me.
If a house is priced appropriately, make a bid 10 percent below that amount.
I saved $8,000 and created a construction company when I was 25.
They say Rome wasn't built in a day, but I wasn't on that particular job.
The whole idea of wearing clothes is not to look ridiculous.
To me, the simplest things can have the highest value.