I have feelings. I'm not emotionally stunted.
I was gaga about dinosaurs as a kid.
Rocker dudes don't have a lot of swagger.
Editing is kind of a solitary job.
Innovation is creativity with a job to do.
A crazy man finishes in the cemetery.
Student teaching is the hardest job there is.
Peter Kaplan was a partner, a mentor, and a friend.
I own 'The New York Observer.'
I have the stardom glow.
When you are in the infrastructure sector, you've to work along with the government.
It takes time for people to get to know a cause or an organization.
In the case of Enron, we balance our positions all the time.
The truth is that I'm constitutionally incapable of doing an ordinary job.
Louison: This is a job for the Australian!
Nobody ever lost money taking a profit.
It costs a lot of money to look this cheap.
You shouldn't have to have money to have a luxury fragrance.
The fact is that data are worth a lot of money.
The most popular labor-saving device is still money.
I'm not really interested in making money.