Exciting cities stay exciting, and boring cities stay boring.
I have never known the time when I did not wear stays. My stays are part of me.
Ava: Will you stay here? Caleb: Stay here? AVA!
I need a break after school," she told me later. "School is hard because a lot of people are in the room, so you get tired. I freak out if my mom plans a play date without telling me, because I don't want to hurt my friends' feelings. But I'd rather ...
Extroverts are more likely to take a quick-and-dirty approach to problem-solving, trading accuracy for speed, making increasing numbers of mistakes as they go, and abandoning ship altogether when the problem seems too difficult or frustrating. Introv...
A Manifesto for Introverts 1. There's a word for 'people who are in their heads too much': thinkers. 2. Solitude is a catalyst for innovation. 3. The next generation of quiet kids can and must be raised to know their own strengths. 4. Sometimes it he...
The tremendous danger is that this belief - that genuine happiness comes only from pleasant feelings - becomes a strong motivation to stay closed to anything unpleasant. But by staying closed to all unpleasantness, we also stay closed to our own well...
I could tell you of occasionally, every eon, meeting a person, with whom I might stay for a billion years. But what of it? After a billion years there is nothing left to say, and you wander apart, uncaring in the end.
Abel was brushing the snow off his parka while Micha was dancing around him, still balancing the plate of cookies, singing, 'We're staying, we're staying, we're staying overnight! We're drying! We're drying! We're drying on the line!
I don't do too much outside of football during football season, because this is my job and I take it seriously. I don't do too much, don't really go out at all that much, don't eat out or anything, try to stay focused and stay to myself.
Human beings are attracted to novelty: to probe the 'adjacent possible.' We didn't stay in the caves. We didn't stay on the planet, and soon we won't stay within the limitations of our biology. We move forward. We transcend our limits. We go to the m...
Chava: I'll write to you in America if you like. Golde: [shouts] We'll be staying with Uncle Avram! Chava: Yes, Mama! Tevye: [annoyed] We'll be staying with Uncle Avram! We'll be staying with Uncle Avram! The whole world has to know our business!
Doctor: Ray, do you want to stay and live with Charlie? Raymond: Yeah. Doctor: Or do you want to go back to Walbrook? Raymond: Yeah. Doctor: Which is it? Go back to Walbrook or stay with Charlie Babbitt? Raymond: Go back to Walbrook, stay with Charli...
The California crunch really is the result of not enough power-generating plants and then not enough power to power the power of generating plants.
What I fear most is power with impunity. I fear abuse of power, and the power to abuse.
Knowledge is power, power corrupts. Study hard, be evil.
If you want to annoy the devil stay silent.
The needle dresses people but stays naked itself.
Not everyone who sings a lullaby stays awake.
The Didots created happiness and power, or in this case, pain and sadness...but only within its subject’s mind. The power it held was real, but it was not a physical power. It was the power of persuasion, the power of illusion. Mr. Bradshaw was a g...
Power as a beneficial tool for aspiring achievers is primarily made up into four folds; 1. Power to control emotions, 2. Power to make right decisions, 3. Power to stand against depression, 4. Power to excel in innovations.