My mom is one of my role models in a complicated way. I learned from her how to be a good mom. She was one of those natural moms who really took to it. Her chosen profession was teaching. She loves kids. But she was extremely frustrated and unhappy b...
[Andy and his mom stop at the gas station] Andy: Can I help you fill up? Andy's Mom: Sure, I'll even let you drive. Andy: Really? Andy's Mom: Yeah, when you're 16. Andy: Yup, yup. Very funny, Mom.
For now I'm just enjoying being a mom. I don't want to be more famous and more rich. I want to be a good mom.
I did say that I wanted to be a young mom, just because my mom was a young mom. It is better because I can be closer to my kids and stuff.
It's the moms who are overaggressive. A lot of times their daughters are very sweet and cordial, and the moms tend to grab you and scream and want to kiss you. You gotta watch out for the moms.
I want to be a fun mom. Not a gasping for air mom.
Gru: [Answers cell phone] Hello, Mom. Sorry, I meant to call, but... Gru's Mom: I just wanted to congratulate you on stealing the pyramid. [Gru sighs] Gru's Mom: That was you, wasn't it? Or was it a villain who's actually successful? [laughs] Gru: Ju...
My father left... but I tell my mom - and I told my mom this when I was a kid - I said, 'You know what, Mom? Good thing he left because you're a strong woman.'
Modern-Day Parenting is no joke. For starters, no one takes you seriously unless you have a fancy parenting style. Tiger Mom, Helicopter Mom, Organic Mom and on and on. I've decided to go with L-Board Mom. I may look like I don't know what I'm doing ...
Brian's mom: Now is this the first time or the last time you do this to me? Brian Johnson: Last. Brian's mom: Now get in there and use the time to your advantage. Brian Johnson: Mom, we're not supposed to study, we just have to sit there and do nothi...
Working moms, stay at home moms, they're both extremely hard jobs.
Everyone checks out my mom. My mom's hot.
My mom never wanted to be a grandmom. She never wanted to be a mom, really.
Moms are people, too. Moms make mistakes, too.
[Mom] said she didn't want her youngest daughter dressed in the thrift-store clothes the rest of us wore. Mom told us we would have to go shoplifting. "Isn't that a sin?" I asked Mom. "Not exactly," Mom said. "God doesn't mind you bending the rules a...
Girls like guys to be a challenge. It gives them some mold to fit in how they act. Like a mom. What would a mom do if she couldn't fuss over you and make you clean your room? And what would you do without her fussing and making you do it? Everyone ne...
My mom was a '70s mom. She paved a road that no one had yet walked.
I was raised by my mom. My dad was always traveling, but she allowed me and encouraged me to be close to my dad. So I grew up with three parents: my mom, my dad and my stepmom. Ninety percent of the time I was with my mom, and 10 percent was with my ...
I've had Susan Sarandon play my mom, and now Lesley Ann Warren has played my mom, so if I could have Debra Winger play my mom, then I would have the trifecta of my favorite actresses playing my mother.
One day I went up to my mom and I said, 'Mom, can I have permission to build a 2.3-million electron-volt atom smasher - a betatron - in the garage?' And my mom stared at me, and she said, 'Sure. Why not? And don't forget to take out the garbage.'
My mom was there, in some form, in some sense, in some universe. My mom was still my mom, even if she only lived in books and door locks and the smell of fried tomatoes and old paper. She lived.