A fondness for roving, for making a name for themselves in their onw country, and for boasting of what they had seen in their travels, was so strong in our two wanderers, that they resolved to be no longer happy; and demanded permission of the king t...
This is joy's bonfire, then, where love's strong arts Make of so noble individual parts One fire of four inflaming eyes, and of two loving hearts.
Ideology is strong exactly because it is no longer experienced as ideology… we feel free because we lack the very language to articulate our unfreedom.
The strongest trees are rooted in the dark places of the earth. Darkness will be your cloak, your shield, your mother's milk. Darkness will make you strong.
Building up a dream is like building a room; the foundation must be deep, strong, firm and dependable.
Passion is that strong and mostly uncontrollable feeling of love that one has towards what he want to do or does. It is dependent on emotions.
It wasn't till Sebastian began to stalk toward her that she recalled her situation. She was wet and half naked, alone in a room with a strong brutish male of unknown intentions.
That is what we are, what we do: nose a net, push push, a net that never exists. The knots in the mesh as strong as our own believing. Our own fears.
Choices will continually be necessary and -- let us not forget -- possible. Obedience to God is always possible. It is a deadly error to fall into the notion that when feelings are extremely strong we can do nothing but act on them.
Wrong, asshole. Your body makes you male. Your brain and your heart—big and strong as ever—they make you a man.
If you are brave of heart, sharp of wit, strong of spirit and steadfast of purpose, there is nothing you cannot achieve
The strong lines of the woman's face bespoke hard-won wisdom and courage, and somehow that made watching her more difficult. If such a woman could be defeated by Elantris, what hope was there for Raoden?
I know I have a strong India connect. Is it Subhash Chandra Bose or my father who left my Austrian mother when I was one? - Catherine Khan
...words are so strong and I am so timid - my soul ignores warnings and I end up covered with your paint ...
Who judges the judge who judges wrong? The sentence too weak, The sentence too strong. The penance too quick, The penance too long. Who judges the judge who judges wrong?
...is worship too strong a word? yes, I worship you - to worship is to give worth to something – isn’t that what love is all about?...
For discipline is the channel in which our acts run strong and deep; where there is no direction, the deeds of men run shallow and wander and are wasted.
You don’t understand; this girl’s different. She’s beautiful, kind, giving, sweet, strong, stubborn, and quite a smart ass.” Connor Black's thoughts on Ellery Lane
You don't know how to talk to people you don't like. Don't love, really. You can't live in the world with such strong likes and dislikes.
Be careful in your life, Tolui. I want you fit and strong for when I come for you.
A strong wind sang sadly as it bent the trees in front of the Hall. A half moon shone through the dark, flying clouds on to the wild and empty moor.