Hollywood is right. A good and strong movie can have a more powerful social impact than any and all political speeches or newspaper editorials and columns.
It takes a very strong brain to resist the absolutes, the myths that the media and the politicians peddle - the idea that if you are too kind, where does it all end? That not to help someone is somehow a good idea.
I decided that the University of Sussex in Brighton was a good place for this work because it had a strong tradition in bacterial molecular genetics and an excellent reputation in biology.
I had strong legs that would have made me a good sumo wrestler and I used that to my advantage, but my home runs were achieved by technique.
Just because one of your films does well at the box office, that doesn't make you a good person. It doesn't make you strong, smart, or secure, either.
Music doesn't have to have lyrics; it doesn't have to be a particular type of music - it has the ability to bring out really strong and hopefully good emotional reactions in people.
I know my strong points: I work hard, I have talent, I'm funny, and I'm a good person.
When you become an instrument in God's hands as He transfers someone from the realm of darkness into the kingdom of His Son, you make a difference in the person's eternal destiny. Not only that, but Satan also receives a devastating blow.
In the end, leadership comes down to consistency and strong, confident action upon which the team can rely - and this doesn't mean imposing a bunch of rules.
As in nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Without a strong voice for more moderate leadership, the Tea Party is filling that vacuum.
I have very strong feelings about how you lead your life. You always look ahead, you never look back.
I bring a lot of passion to my life and my politics - I don't mind saying there is a very strong Latin component to it.
You have to look at what a person does with his life. Anyone can say that he's a Christian, but you look at how they live.
Life is strong and fragile. It's a paradox... It's both things, like quantum physics: It's a particle and a wave at the same time. It all exists all together.
The cause of violence is not ignorance. It is self-interest. Only reverance can restrain violence - reverance for human life and the environment.
Yoga is my luxury workout. If I'm on vacation or I have a day off, I love a 90-minute yoga class. It's a really strong workout, but it takes a little bit longer.
No matter how strong the winds of trials and tribulations blow, never take your sight off from the prize ahead.
There is always a strong need for self-education during and after school education. Education is a never-ending process of intellectual growth.
No matter how bad the storms of trials and tribulations get, a strong positive mind always wins in the end.
I think Newt Gingrich is a Christian; at least, he told me he is.
Strong people are made by opposition like kites that go up against the wind.