The Bride: Karen... I just found out, right now, not a moment before you blew a hole through the door, that I'm pregnant. Karen Kim: What is this? The Bride: On the floor, by the door, is a strip that says I'm pregnant. Karen Kim: Bullshit. The Bride...
Oskar: Eli... Can you and I be together? Eli: What do you mean? Oskar: Well... Will you be my girlfriend? Eli: Oskar... I'm not a girl. Oskar: You're not? [pause] Oskar: Can we be together? Eli: Can't we just be how we are? Oskar: I guess... Eli: Do ...
Frodo: [of Gollum] It's a pity Bilbo didn't kill him when he had the chance. Gandalf: Pity? It was pity that stayed Bilbo's hand. Many that live deserve death. Some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them, Frodo? Do not be too eager to deal ou...
Aragorn: You have some skill with a blade. Eowyn: The women of this country learned long ago, those without swords can still die upon them. I fear neither death nor pain. Aragorn: What do you fear, my lady? Eowyn: A cage. To stay behind bars until us...
Mike: Come on, the coast is clear. Ok, all we have to do is get rid of that thing, so wait here while I get its cardkey. Sulley: But she can't stay here this is the men's room. [pause] Mike: That is the weirdest thing you have ever said. Its fine, it...
Village Boy 1: If you get killed, we take the rifle and avenge you. Village Boy 2: And we see to it there's always fresh flowers on your grave. O'Reilly: That's a mighty big comfort. Village Boy 2: I told you he'll appreciate that! O'Reilly: Well, no...
Curmudgeon: That's two thousand miles from here. How do you expect us to get it there? Drag it? Pappagallo: If we have to, yes. There's always a way. But the first step... defend the fuel. Big Rebecca: Words, just words. You'll die for a pipe dream. ...
[Johnny holds up a cross-shaped wreath Barbara bought for their father's grave] Johnny: Look at this thing. "We still remember"? I don't! You know, I don't even remember what the man looks like! Barbara: Johnny, it takes you five minutes. Johnny: Yea...
Max: You know, I've been watching you all night, and you've been drinking like a fish. Trying to get your courage up? We're only bringing in a shipment of booze, it's got so you're even scared to do that. Maybe you just better stay home tonight, with...
[first lines] [In 1933, two goons rudely question a young woman] Beefy: Where is he? Where's he hiding? Eve: I don't know... I've been looking for him since yesterday. [second goon slaps her harshly; she falls onto the bed] Beefy: I'm gonna ask you f...
Lady Eboshi: Stay here. Help me kill the Forest Spirit, Ashitaka. Prince Ashitaka: You would do that? Kill the very heart of the forest? Lady Eboshi: Without that ancient god, the animals here would be nothing but dumb beasts once again. Once the for...
Herman Blume: You guys have it real easy. I never had it like this where I grew up. But I send my kids here because the fact is you go to one of the best schools in the country: Rushmore. Now, for some of you it doesn't matter. You were born rich and...
Joey Gazelle: Hey, Nick. Throw me some bread. [Nicky goes to hand Joey bread when a bullet comes through their window] Joey Gazelle: Oh, shit! Get down! Get down! [crawls on the floor over to Nicky and Teresa] Joey Gazelle: Are you okay? You okay? Ni...
Shaun: [about Ed] I've known him since primary school, you know? I like having him around, he's a laugh. Pete: What, because he can impersonate an orangutan? Fuck-a-doodle-doo! Shaun: Oh, leave him alone. Pete: All right, I admit, he can pretty funny...
Jack Torrance: Well, that is quite a story. Stuart Ullman: Yeah it is. It's still hard for me to believe it happened here. It did, and I think you can appreciate why I wanted to tell you about it. Jack Torrance: I certainly can and I also understand ...
Aunt Beru: Where are you going? Luke: Looks like I'm going nowhere... I'm gonna finish cleaning those 'droids. Aunt Beru: [after Luke leaves] Owen, he can't stay here forever, most of his friends have gone. It means so much to him. Uncle Owen: Well, ...
Bryan: [to Marko, while preparing him for torture] You know, we used to outsource this kind of thing. But what we found was the countries we outsourced to had unreliable power grids. Very Third World. You'd turn on a switch - power wouldn't come on, ...
Helena Ayala: What's going on? They came into the house. They just took him away. They searched my home. Arnie Metzger: Let me tell you what's happening, alright? Now, first of all, Carl is not here. The D.E.A. has got him and they're gonna hang on t...
[after a dispute has broken out between Haise and Swigert] Jim Lovell: All right, we're not doing this, gentlemen. We are *not* doing this. We're not going to go bouncing off the walls for ten minutes, 'cause we're just going to end up back here with...
[voice-over, spoken with the credits] Shughart: My love, stay strong and you will do well in life. I love you and my children deeply. Today and tomorrow let each day grow and grow. Keep smiling and never give up even when things get you down. So in c...
Ken: We're not staying here getting pissed. We are quietly sightseeing, like he says, and awaiting his call to see what we do next. Ray: This is my vote on what we should do. We give it another day, two days, max. Then we check the papers again, and ...