[Listening skeptically to German propaganda coming over a loudspeaker] Captain Miller: "The Statue of Liberty is kaput" - that's disconcerting.
[first lines] [Brendan answers the pay phone] Emily: Brendan. Brendan Frye: Emily. Emily: Yeah-h... How's things? Brendan Frye: Status quo.
Trust is the fundamental key that upholds the honor of great leadership, without it leadership becomes a status quo of great dis-service to the change your followers desire.
It was about as easy getting the Statue of Liberty to spread cunny, which did take some dynamite persuasion.
Endlich, wie denn in dieser Welt jedes noch so hartnäckige Stehenbleiben doch nur ein unvermerktes Weiterrücken ist, erscheint auch diesem Status quo ein Hoffnungsstrahl.
Like a statue, I’m hairless. Also like a statue, I have hair. Let’s make love like a dandelion goes bald in the breeze.
I really think it would be cowardly to pull back and not challenge the status quo, when the status quo may not be the right way for the field to go.
For no continuity of social act is possible without a corresponding social status and the many different kinds of act required in an industrial state, with its high degree of specialization, make for corresponding classification of status.
Texas has waited too long for a governor who knows that quid pro quo shouldn't be the status quo. It's time for a governor who believes that you don't have to buy a place in Texas' future.
Labor should not be about creating monuments on hills or statues in parks. Labor's monuments and statues are when a young person can find a job, when a person with disability can get access to the ordinary life that others take for granted.
No matter your race, level of education, gender, age, religion, cultural beliefs, physical appearance, social status, financial status and more, always remember that you are as important as everyone else.
The people have already determined Chechnya's status at the referendum - it is a unit of the Russian Federation. Its political status is not to be discussed any more.
Revolution from above, in some states and cases, is [...] often preferable to the status quo, or to no revolution at all.
As your care recipient’s advocate, be involved, don’t accept the status quo, and don’t be afraid to voice your concerns.
The most dangerous ideas are not those that challenge the status quo. The most dangerous ideas are those so embedded in the status quo, so wrapped in a cloud of inevitability, that we forget they are ideas at all.
Because of this high status of the object in our culture, something has to be a thing. Live efforts are almost marginal. I think dance, for example, is just as much a thing, and I want for it to have the same status. I don't want it to be the thing t...
A final word should be said concerning the status of free blacks. Before the American Revolution this status had been ambiguous, and the number of free blacks was insignificant. <...> A rash of new laws, similar to the later Black Codes of Reconstruc...
Mr. Bernstein: There's a lot of statues in Europe you haven't bought yet. Charles Foster Kane: You can't blame me. They've been making statues for some two thousand years, and I've only been collecting for five.
To be ethical is to endeavor to find one's proper place in the larger scheme of things rather than to seek to assert human superiority over the natural world.
What separates us into engineers and robots, puppeteers and puppets, kings and pawns, is not the status we hold at any given time among others - status is irrelevant; it is the level of ever-present awareness we have of a grey-matter tailor's tools [...
We even commissioned a smaller pair of these statues for the baggage claim area in the regular lobby. Gives all those Normal conspiracy nuts something to talk about besides the Blue Mustang. They think our statues are the work of Masons or reptilian ...