I'm a Libertarian. I'm liberty, justice for all, liberty for all.
As the generalization goes about the art industry, people can be really challenging and thought-provoking in their thinking and questioning the status quo, and it's really important that the status quo can be questioned and that there are people doin...
In America, evangelical churches have often been bastions of conservatism, providing support for the status quo.
People who demand neutrality in any situation are usually not neutral but in favor of the status quo.
And I have a message for the liberals and the defenders of the status quo: we're just getting started.
I don't accept the status quo. I do accept Visa, MasterCard, or American Express.
Even when early innovations start to succeed, it is not uncommon to see growing businesses sabotaged for threatening the status quo.
Louis: But the world was a tomb to me, a graveyard of broken statues, and each of those statues resembled her face.
There are even more statues of Robert Burns than of any other figure in world literature. Indeed if we discount figures of religion, then only Christopher Columbus has more statues than he worldwide.
Status anxiety definitely exists at a political level. Many Iraqis were annoyed with the US essentially for reasons of status: for not showing them respect, for humiliating them.
Philanthropy is involved with basic innovations that transform society, not simply maintaining the status quo or filling basic social needs that were formerly the province of the public sector.
As man develops, he places a greater value upon his own rights. Liberty becomes a grander and diviner thing. As he values his own rights, he begins to value the rights of others. .
I would rather belong to a poor nation that was free than to a rich nation that had ceased to be in love with liberty. But we shall not be poor if we love liberty, because the nation that loves liberty truly sets every man free to do his best and be ...
Status is a funny thing. Money gets you stuff, at least. Status doesn't get you much except the knowledge that you have it. And while money may not make you happy, it is easy to imagine someone who decides they have enough. With status, you can never...
Enslave the liberty of but one human being and the liberties of the world are put in peril.
The difference between Liberty and liberties is as great as God and gods.
Give me liberty or a bran muffin!
Liberty may be endangered by the abuse of liberty, but also by the abuse of power.
There is nothing with which it is so dangerous to take liberties as liberty itself.
Chunk: [Data comes flying into the house knocking over everyone and Chunk grabs the statue of Michaelangelo's David] Hey! I bet you guys think I was going to drop it huh? I know you would think that from good ol Chunk [Places the statue on the table ...
Both liberty and equality are among the primary goals pursued by human beings throughout many centuries; but total liberty for wolves is death to the lambs, total liberty of the powerful, the gifted, is not compatible with the rights to a decent exis...