A problem clearly stated is a problem half solved.
No movement can afford to be caught in a time warp and exist in a state of suspended animation.
In the state of nature profit is the measure of right.
The Kingdom of Heaven is not a place, but a state of mind.
A Church which has lost its memory is in a sad state of senility.
Punk is not really a style of music. It was more like a state of mind.
I'm not really interested in music. Music is just a means of creating a magical state.
Marriage has historically been in the domain of the States to regulate.
That white uniform was her 'pass' to get into white places with us - the grocery store, the state fair, the movies. Even though this was the 70s and the segregation laws had changed, the 'rules' had not.
Alien - an American sovereign in his probationary state.
The heart stays heavy if it remains in a state of unforgiveness.
I think the state of the NFL has a very positive outlook.
I've learned that to survive, you need a positive state of mind.
Fear is a state of nervousness only fit for children
In some of the states in the U.S., homosexuality remains a felony.
I do not like Melbourne in its present state.
My father calls acting 'a state of permanent retirement with short spurts of work.'
You tap in to this oneness and become part of the universe as a whole.
That’s the beauty of the universe. There’s always a new mystery.
We live in a universe devoted to the creation, and eradication, of awareness.
There are more than one universe, and its inhabitants.