If you travel to the States... they have a lot of different words than like what we use. For instance: they say 'elevator', we say 'lift'; they say 'drapes', we say 'curtains'; they say 'president', we say 'seriously deranged git.'
Could I say that the reason that I am here today, you know, from the mouth of the State Department itself, is: I should not be allowed to travel because I have struggled for years for the independence of the colonial peoples of Africa.
Rayon: This guy says that the Florida Buyers Club is cheaper. Ron Woodroof: Well then, tell him to go back to the FUCKIN' SUNSHINE STATE!
Henry Hill: [narrating] For as long as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster. To me that was better than being president of the United States. To be a gangster was to own the world.
Andrew Largeman: Hey Albert Albert: Yeah? Andrew Largeman: Good luck exploring the infinite abyss. Albert: Thank you, and Hey, you too
Karl Benson: Hey man, I thought you killed yourself. Andrew Largeman: What? Karl Benson: I thought you killed yourself. That wasn't you? Andrew Largeman: No, no, tha-that wasn't me.
[first lines] Airplane pilot: [voiceover] Los Angeles Tower, this is Transworld 22 Heavy. We are going down! Repeat, engines two and... L.A. Tower, this is... Mayday! Mayday!
Carol: Oh... guys? Don't stay in here all day. I had to take the batteries out of the carbon monoxide detector; it was beeping all night.
Andrew Largeman: You're a COP, Kenny? Kenny: Yeah, I know! Andrew Largeman: ...Why? Kenny: I don't know, man. Had nothing better to do.
Sam: We're not gonna make out or anything, okay? Andrew Largeman: What? Sam: Oh, I'm sorry. I just totally ruined that moment, didn't I?
Kelly: Well, we just ate all this fucking 'X', so what the hell else are we supposed to do? Jesse: The woman has a point.
Andrew Largeman: Can you imagine being the guy whose job it is to argue for the right to build a mall on top of a geological phenomenon? Mark: They love their malls here, man.
Andrew Largeman: We're not playing Spin the Bottle; how old are we? More importantly, how old are they? Jesse: Oh, they're all legal. I think...
Andrew Largeman: There's a handful of normal kid things I kinda missed. Sam: There's a handful of normal kid things I kinda wish I'd missed.
Sam: It's not that we're bad pet owners or anything, it's just, you know, we've had so many of them over the years. Besides, a lot of these are fish.
Diego: Who just saw some titties? [Mark, Largeman and Sam raise their hands tentatively] Diego: Ok. Now everybody calm the fuck down!
[Largeman flounders in the pool] Jesse: Dude, maybe you should stay over by the steps. I don't know CPR. Mark: You look like a wet beaver.
Andrew Largeman: I just feel like I've been going to too many of these lately. Sam: What? Dates? Andrew Largeman: You call this a date? This isn't a date. No, funerals.
Stella: The New York State sentence for a Peeping Tom is six months in the workhouse. Jeff: Oh, hello, Stella. Stella: And they got no windows in the workhouse.
But Dr. Smith says, and I believe it to be a true state of the case, that he himself gave a course of Lectures in Natural Philosophy, during the same winter, and that the money raised by them was also applied towards paying for the Orrery.
The inequalities are greater now than in '92. Some states have equalized per-pupil spending but they set the 'equal level' very low, so that wealthy districts simply raise extra money privately.