We have a substantial number of countries that have pledged and provided all kinds of support for the United States in the event that war becomes necessary in Iraq.
It was post war. It was very gray, very dreary. Everything was still rationed when I first saw the United States in 1951. I went over to visit my sister who was a war bride.
It was very gray, very dreary. Everything was still rationed when I first saw the United States in 1951. I went over to visit my sister who was a war bride.
As we have seen, the wireless and the airplane have made the world so small and nations so dependent on each other that the only alternative to war is the United States of the World.
Going to war is a serious matter. And it should be done very carefully and deliberately with clear national interests at stake before the United States or our Commander-in-Chief acts.
We did not go to war in Afghanistan or in Iraq to, quote, 'impose democracy.' We went to war in both places because we saw those regimes as a threat to the United States.
Each and every day, Israel remains on the frontline along with the United States in the War on Terror and is nothing but an unabashed ally of pro-democratic and pro-American policy.
The United States has dealt with the Middle East and surrounding regions for many decades in the context of the Cold War.
Not a single illegal immigrant should or need enter the United States, not one. Contrary to the common wisdom, the borders are easy to seal, and controlling entry is hardly totalitarian.
Tea ... is a religion of the art of life.
Zen, per se, is not just an art, it's not just a religion, it's a realisation.
Art and literature are my surrogate religions.
If religion is a crutch, then society is the broken foot.
That's not a religion, that's Pokemon.
Money and religion are perfect alloy.
My religion is no way of knowing me.
Religions, themselves, are (intellectual) blasphemies.
COMPASSION The religion of atheists
There is no other religion except Judism. All should convert into Judism.
Truth, in matters of religion, is simply the opinion that has survived.
Islam is the only religion that gives dignity to the poor.