Something about Texas I'm not proud of is that our state murdered 37 people last year alone.
Fear generates anger, and fear generates violence, and those were part of what built the Saudi state.
The worst state of affairs is when science begins to concern itself with art.
Hollywood was born schizophrenic. For 75 years it has been both a town and a state of mind, an industry and an art form.
The 150th anniversary of Penn State will highlight what is important and good about this distinguished institution and the fine people and research that it produces.
The more corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.
Failure is authentic, and because it's authentic, it's real and genuine, and because of that, it's a pure state of being.
It’s a sad state of affairs when I’m the one bringing sanity to the equation
You can't get decent Mexican food in DC.
In the State of Denmark there was the odor of decay...
A party of order or stability, and a party of progress or reform, are both necessary elements of a healthy state of political life.
The soul that loves and suffers is in the sublime state.
Winning is a state of mind that embraces everything you do.
The best reason I can think of for not running for President of the United States is that you have to shave twice a day.
I'm just going to tour; that's the best way for people to get to know me. Focusing on the international stuff and breaking in to the States and U.K.
I'm actually forced to write about Michigan because as a native of that state it's the place I know best.
In the United States, if you believe in yourself and you're determined and persevere, you're going to succeed.
Stated clearly enough, an idea may cancel itself out.
Grief is an emotion that's almost unplayable because you're in a separate emotional state; it's an inconsolable emotion.
I want to describe the psychological state of the people in a certain city.
A limited state with free economic systems is the soil where the liberty tree blossoms.