Poetry, plays, novels, music, they are the cry of the human spirit trying to understand itself and make sense of our world.
That nagging state of constant thought that exists somewhere between the ears and behind the eyes is the self.
My ideas were confused. In a peculiar way, the unreality of the outer world appeared to be an extension of my own disturbed state of mind.
The modern state does not comprehend how anyone can be guided by something other than itself. In its eyes pluralism is treason.
Nobody these days holds the written word in such high esteem as police states do.
There exists in man a mass of sense lying in a dormant state, and which, unless something excites it to action, will descend with him, in that condition,to the grave.
Creativity is the state of consciousness in which you enter into the treasury of your innermost being and bring the beauty into manifestation.” (p.232)
Do you know what we call opinion in the absence of evidence? We call it prejudice.
When you have a strongly held belief, don't you think it's important to express that belief accurately?
The nasty little apes that call themselves human beings can do nothing except run and hide.
People are, at their heart, constantly moving toward a state of entropy. Much like this ship. We’re all spiraling out of control.
The more we practice nonviolence in our words, thoughts and actions the more peaceful will be our inner state.
As we live our precarious lives on the brink of the void, constantly coming closer to a state of nonbeing, we are all too often aware of our fragitlity.
You are at once both the quiet and the confusion of my heart; imagine my heartbeat when you are in this state.
Travolti dal torrente dell'incertezza, i nostri sogni hanno teso le braccia Per afferrare la terra. In mattoni e pietra si irrigidiscono i loro sogni e così sono state costruite le città dell'uomo.
Loneliness is a state of feeling that can be changed. People may still feel lonely even among the crowd.
My thought, whose murder yet is but fantastical, Shakes so my single state of man That function is smothered in surmise, And nothing is but what is not.
We are all exist in an interconnected matrix of life, so the state of your mind and heart affects the whole.
We all exist in an interconnected matrix of life, so the state of your mind and heart affects the whole.
You know, happiness isn't a permanent state. Neither is unhappiness. There's a flow, back and forth
The seventh element is ‘consciousness’ that raises a human from the basic corporeal state and takes them to super-consciousness.