I started playing the violin when I was 5, but by the time I was 12 or 13, I wasn't really liking it.
I think that songwriting changed when groups started spending more time in the studio.
I was never a part of the Actor's Studio, because two friends of mine started it in 1947 and by that time I'd gone to California.
We don't always agree on stuff, but when it's time to blow the whistle and start the game, we're not still debating.
Every time I start the next movie, it's as exciting as the first time.
In 1979, Alien came out and Sigourney was in it with a bunch a guys. Nobody at that time expected the woman to be the hero, so that was a tradition that started.
For a long time, I have been inclined to start a school for the talented children.
I have this sense that I didn't really start growing up until my twenties.
Eating well was something I learned as I started to be successful and had to travel and perform concerts, which are an intense cardio workout.
I have legs of iron, but to tell you the truth, they're starting to rust and buckle a bit.
Frances: [at a French cinema] Hello. When did "Puss in Boots" start?
Keith: I've never lied in this far, and I'm not gonna start now.
Evan: I'd give my middle nut to start dating Becca.
Irene: Don't say that, Raimunda, or I'll start crying. And ghosts don't cry.
The Bolsheviks started not just on the killing of private property; they were trying to abolish money itself.
'Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.
I started FUBU in 1989 but ran out of money three times and closed it down.
It was a precondition to leaving Facebook that I wasn't going to start something that was just about chasing money.
I started dressing vintage when I was a teenager because I didn't have money for designer clothes.
Turn off the TV and start digging around for information that's not from a corporation trying to make money.
I always wanted to start a public company and make a lot of money.