Well, my brother started acting before I did.
Most filmmaking is about shaking hands and just starting.
Political development should start at the grassroots.
I started to realize I wasn't like every other boy.
It's easy to start over-thinking things and over-analysing things.
Stop Saying'I WISH' Start Saying 'I WILL
Sometimes growing pains are by fits and starts.
The movement for the environment really only started in the mid 1970's.
You can always start over the next day.
I started out as a lousy actress and have remained one.
There's a mass of places, really, where the idea started.
I pray to start my day and finish it in prayer.
I want to stop transforming and just start being.
Awesome ends with me; but Ugly starts with u...
To achieve greatness it simply starts with self-belief.
One of the fundamental secret of being successful is to Get Started.
The IPO is no exit for the entrepreneur; it's the start of purgatory.
NASA should start thinking about this planet.
I started in radio, again accidentally. I wasn't looking for this kind of work at all.
I start the day with the intention of doing 4,000 sit-ups but then have to work.
My work on hyper instruments started with simple instruments, like the piano.