Snape raised his wand and pointed it directly at Dumbledore. "
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood PrinceRecognizing who you are is not the subtext of a life. It's the main point.
House of Skin: Prize-Winning StoriesThat is when you know you have reached the point of no return, when you began to stalk a ghost.
The Inner KingdomThe point was to learn what it was we feared more: being misunderstood or being betrayed.
The InstructionsThere was a point to this story, but it has temporarily escaped the chronicler's mind.
So Long, and Thanks for All the FishSometimes it seemed like the whole point of life was not to die the same death as your father.
OrientMarriage isn't for the weak or lazy. It's work, and it should be. What would be the point otherwise?
Portrait in DeathI want to write a book called “Conversations.” Of course, it’s all talk at this point.
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