I'd rather send out a mass email then hang posters all over the place.
Over half a billion dollars a day is being spent by FEMA.
I own nothing; I just stay with friends all over the country.
I'll take crazy over stupid any day.
Over the years I've had people tell me that they come to my show to escape.
My brother Paul's really kind of obsessive, and he obsesses over things.
You leap over the wall of one ghetto and find yourself in another ghetto.
Writing is the light of imagination playing over shadow of thoughts.
It's fascinating to see actors who do voiceovers every day.
Applaud my friends, the comedy is over... [on his death bed]
If I had to choose, I'd choose my friends over my career.
I have over 2 million followers now on Google Plus.
I was the last Republican lieutenant governor and it's been over 20 years.
It is easier to lose a thosuand disciples than to win over one.
I don't believe that when you are 25 you are over the hill. Fifty is the new 30.
High school, you don't want to go back and do it over again.
I am constantly amazed at their support over the years.
The enemy is over there and we are still seeking revenge from the nature.
When it's over no one cares what you did
My career seems to be a career of non-specific subjects which are all over the place.
Daily ripples of excellence -over time- become a tsunami of success