Some day you will be old enough to start reading fairy tales again.
I started working at Hanna-Barbera in '92 on 2 Stupid Dogs.
While I was in high school, I started working professionally and got an agent.
My kids probably started drinking coffee in their late teens.
I can't stay in L.A. too long or it starts to grow on me in a bad way.
When I become the village idiot, or at least, it starts to become a joke, you can't do that much longer.
The first year was like icing. Then the cake started to show through …
When you start a new project, you wonder whether it's the right choice.
All actions start with emotions and in this principle we find the key to change
I started at Pixar the month 'Monsters Inc.' came out.
I started out as a 16 year old registering people to vote.
I started off in a small theatre performance company and worked my way into commercials.
You start with a darkness to move through but sometimes the darkness moves through you.
To start with, for example this year, 2004, is the bicentennial of Haitian independence.
Writing is an exploration. You start from nothing and learn as you go.
If you want to grow spiritually, the place to start is with God.
Definitely, starting my own brand would be really exciting.
A creative project is a moving target. You never end up where you start.
I started out as a stand-up comedian. And that's what I'm most comfortable doing.
You know, stand-up comedy is where I pretty much started out.
I queued 24 hours to see Coldplay, at Koko in London, at the start of the X&Y tour.