Reading is can take you on a great Adventure!
Reading was not a fallback position for her but an ideal state of being.
Once you read something, you can't erase it from your brain.
Today I am amused, and I haven't seen anyone yet.
Even when I'm sleeping, I go to places where you are.
I can't save you unless you save me, too.
Every time I thought to, I wrote about you.
Push my buttons, and I'll push you off a bridge.
Pornography was not meant to be looked at. Pornography was meant to be read—on Braille-embossed condoms.
When I was 13 or 14, my mother used to gift me books that I was dying to read. Those are my most memorable birthday gifts.
Most of the day I work standing up, as I once read somewhere that it's the best position for the back.
I don't really look for a script and go, 'I need to do a thriller, so I'm going to do this.' I just read scripts and look for the best possible story.
Girls are the best readers in the world. Reading is really a way of kind of escaping so deeply into yourself and pursuing your own thoughts within the construct of a story.
We want the author to give us answers when all he can do is give us desires.
Like many people, I am addicted to the physical act of reading.
I know because I read...Your mind is not a cage. It's a garden. And it requires cultivating.
Thinking about the universe has now been handed over to specialists. The rest of us merely read about it.
I was reading a lot of books I admired, and thought that I would like to write something like that someday.
You don't read many scripts, especially for crime dramas, that feature a strong woman as the central character.
I did everything pretty cliche as an actor in New York. I read the trades, I sent out 'head shots.'
My friend says she's smart. She reads a book to fall asleep.