I am an amateur mountain climber. Once or twice a year I go off to Chamonix in the French Alps, under Mont Blanc, and with a guide do treks that include rock climbing at high altitude.
I came face-to-face with a gorilla which was quite good, but it was a 10-hour trek in bad weather, up hills, covered in mud, with mosquitoes everywhere and when we got there the gorilla's just sat there doing nowt.
People tell me they laughed hard enough to wake their spouses, that they've given away numerous copies to friends, and that it's the one Trek book they'll give to people they wouldn't expect to like others.
To be able to forget means sanity.
Now, I guess, people want stars. People are trying to invent stars.
I was such a 'Star Wars' fan. That was my generation.
The fact is, I never wanted to be a movie star.
If I'd been a rock star, I'd probably now be dead.
Am I a rock star? Yeah, I guess.
You are your shining star. Arise and shine your star.
I am an actress. I am not a movie star.
Every actor I know wants to be a pop star.
I had no dream of being a movie star.
What makes the most money for this business? Dead rock stars.
I never got into this business thinking I'd be like a movie star.
Rock stars get room keys, I get business cards.
I try to be a better dad and husband than I do pretend rock star.
The Emmys is great, but the Golden Globes, you have the stars of television and the stars of movies in one place.
You need a bit more to be a pop star than just a good voice.
I'll be the songwriter for pop stars and then they can be the front person and I don't have to be famous.
I just want to be an inspiration. I'm a rock star, I'm Future Hendrix.