Spock: [standing across Lt. Uhura before he and Kirk are about to be beamed onto the Romulan warship] I will be back. Lt. Nyota Uhura: [leaning in] You better be! I'll be monitoring your frequency. Spock: [actually quite emotional] Thank you, Nyota. ...
Spock: [on intercom] Dr Puri, report. Leonard 'Bones' McCoy: It's McCoy. Dr. Puri was on Deck 6. He's dead. Spock: Then you have just inherited his responsibility as Chief Medical Officer. [McCoy looks at a burning medical room full of casualties fro...
James T. Kirk: Where you came from... did I know my father? Spock Prime: Yes... you often spoke of him as being your inspiration for joining Starfleet. He proudly lived to see you become captain of the Enterprise. James T. Kirk: CAPTAIN? Spock Prime:...
James T. Kirk: [upon taking command of the Enterprise] Attention crew of the Enterprise, this is James Kirk. Mr. Spock has resigned commission and advanced me to acting captain. I know you are all expecting to regroup with the fleet, but I'm ordering...
Admiral Richard Barnett: This is Commander Spock. He is one of our most distinguished graduates. He's programmed the Kobayashi Maru exam for the last four years. Commander? Spock: Cadet Kirk, you somehow managed to install and activate a subroutine i...
Look, without our stories, without the true nature and reality of who we are as People of Color, nothing about fanboy or fangirl culture would make sense. What I mean by that is: if it wasn't for race, X-Men doesn't sense. If it wasn't for the histor...
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Initiate auto-destruct sequence. Authorization: Picard, 4 7 Alpha Tango. Dr. Beverly Crusher: Computer, Commander Beverly Crusher. Confirm auto-destruct sequence. Authorization: Crusher, 2 2 Beta Charlie. Lt. Commander Worf: ...
Cmdr. William Riker: We finished our first sensor sweep of the neutral zone. Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Oh, fascinating. Twenty particles of space dust per cubic meter, 52 ultraviolet radiation spikes, and a class-2 comet. Well, this is certainly worth...
[Picard asks the Borg Queen to exchange Data for himself] Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Let him go. He's not the one you want. Borg Queen: Are you offering yourself to us? Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Offering myself...? That's it, I remember now! It wasn't e...
James T. Kirk: Why is there a man in that torpedo? Khan: There are men and women in all those torpedoes, Captain. I put them there. James T. Kirk: Who the hell are you? Khan: A remnant of a time long past. Genetically engineered to be superior so as ...
McCoy: [Kirk runs in to the engine room and sees Spock inside the reactor compartment. He rushes over but McCoy and Scotty hold him back] No! You'll flood the whole compartment! Kirk: He'll die! Scotty: Sir! He's dead already. McCoy: It's too late. [...
[Discussing the effects of the Genesis torpedo] McCoy: Dear Lord. You think we're intelligent enough to... suppose... what if this thing were used where life already exists? Spock: It would destroy such life in favor of its new matrix. McCoy: Its "ne...
What is most important is the deeply felt conviction that freedom is like oxygen, and I hope The Long Walk is a reminder that when lost, freedom is difficult to regain.
Man, do you ever feel it's just the hope of things we live for?' I asked. 'I mean, it's like the things themselves are just a big disappointment, you know? We like the searching, the dreaming. It's sort oflike the way previews for a movie are better ...
We combine our three packs of pasta for dinner – pesto. We tip the dried stuff into a pan, add water and simmer. We try it, looking at each other with disbelief as it hits the tastebuds. ‘It’s pesto, Jim, but not as we know it,’ I say. ‘Fas...
This is a new land, this is a new place, this is a new world, this is unknown. This is uncharted, this is all there is. We don't have any other place to go. I always quote Gene as saying "Why are we now going into space? Well, why did we trouble to l...
James T. Kirk: [hurling to his death with Sulu] Kirk to Enterprise. We're falling without a chute. Beam us up! Transport Chief: I'm trying. I can't lock onto your signal. James T. Kirk: Beam us up! Transport Chief: You're moving too fast! James T. Ki...
Spock: I am as conflicted as I once was as a child. Sarek: You will always be a child of two worlds. I am grateful for this, and for you. Spock: I feel anger for the one who took Mother's life - an anger I *cannot* control. Sarek: I believe... that s...
Spock: [Kirk has been appointed captain, and the Enterprise is preparing to depart. Spock enters the bridge] Permission to come aboard, Captain. James T. Kirk: Permission granted. Spock: As you have yet to select a first officer, respectfully, I woul...
[deleted scene: Spock's birth] Sarek: I was thinking that we could name him after one of Vulcan's early society builders. His name was Spock. [Amanda considers it] Sarek: Your silence does not suggest enormous enthusiasm. Amanda Grayson: No... [tryin...
[Kirk drives his stepfather's Corvette toward a cliff. As he skids sideways, he jumps out before the Corvette falls off while he hangs on the edge of the cliff. The Iowa cop chasing him steps off his bike as Kirk climbs off the cliff] Young Kirk: Is ...