I don't laugh out loud at comics a lot.
Female comics cannot dress provocatively on stage.
The comic is the perception of the opposite; humor is the feeling of it.
Ronnie Barker will forever be remembered as one of the great comic actors.
Boxing is always serious. Nothing comical or funny about boxing.
It's hard for a comic to be joking when your lines can't be funny.
I definitely was a big comic collector as a kid.
Socrates should have written comics.
Repeats are the absolute soul-crushing killers of the comics page.
Anyone should be able to read comics.
The people that are running the bulk of the comic shops in North America aren't business people and they don't understand sales. They don't understand good product.
Comic-strip stuff isn't really my cup of tea, really.
You have to remember all the time that there is a comical side to everything.
I want to work on the 'True Blood' comic for as long as they'll let me.
One of the best things that happened for me as a playwright is becoming a comic-book writer.
As psychotic as it gets outside, the comic can be more psychotic.
I read the comics long before I was ever involved with the films.
We are, in the comics, the last frontier of good, wholesome family humor and entertainment.
As a comic, you try something and if it works you go with it and grind it to death.
I'm not a great joke writer, which is odd for a comic to say, but I'm not.
Autobiographical comics, I love them. I love them.