I can't stand the club scene.
I used to stand in front of the mic and cry.
Reform is not a one-night stand.
I can't stand Bob Dylan.
There is no standing still because time is moving forward.
Eternity: a moment standing still for ever.
I stand 100 percent by the truth, exactly what happened.
Success isn't everything but it makes a man stand straight.
At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love.
Ultimately, words are only words, and its only the music that stands by itself.
It becomes an emperor to die standing.
I like my work to stand on its own as much as possible.
Be different, stand out, and work your butt off.
Butch Cassidy: Jeesh, all Bolivia can't look like this. Sundance Kid: How do you know? This might be the garden spot of the whole country. People may travel hundreds of miles just to get to this spot where we're standing now. This might be the Atlant...
Where you stand depends on where you sit.
No sanction can stand against ignited minds.
I can't stand light. I hate weather.
'No' is always an easier stand than 'Yes.'
I can't stand too long of a record.
Nothing stands still, except time.
Against the assault of laughter, nothing can stand.