It's not worth doing something unless you were doing something that someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren't doing.
If I have an opportunity to do something safe or something challenging, I'll often choose the latter. Sometimes, the objective is to submerge my viewpoint with the artist.
People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates.
In foreign policy, the only thing worse than not doing something is doing something that fails or makes the situation worse.
If you say that you're all about a certain something, and look back and see that the choices that you've made don't reflect that, then there's something for you to look at.
If you're not going to tell something if you're not going to expose something it's real easy to go in and photograph from behind the camera and not expose any of your weaknesses.
I like it when a script shows you something new, and you can learn something through the journey of a film rather than being told things you already know.
I wanted something very dense, something that would sustain long and more pieces of wood that would be soft, sweet, for more of a mellow sound.
He can smell his cologne, his shampoo, and something else -- he can smell the boy's own scent, something bittersweet.
I think when you take forever off the table, it does something really interesting to what you think is important. There's something a little freeing about it.
I don't look for signs. But when things happen, I say, 'OK, something must be right.' Or 'OK, something must be wrong.'
I'm always looking for something new: a new inspiration, a new philosophy, a new way to look at something, new talent.
Biscuits are sweet things in Britain, and apparently in America a biscuit is something like a scone, something savory that you'd have with soup.
There's something about each of my books that I'm really proud of, and there's something about each of my books that I cringe over.
If someone tells you something is off the record, I don't print it. If they don't tell me something is off the record, then it's fair game.
People come to our lives, people leave our lives; they teach something to us, we teach something to them! Life works this way!
It is good to say something beautiful; it is even better to say something right; but saying a right thing beautifully, that is the best!
Something opens our wings. Something makes boredom and hurt disappear. Someone fills the cup in front of us: We taste only sacredness.
I mean, you know, sometimes, yeah, you wish for something and you don't get quite what you wish for. But you get something bigger and better.
Verisimilitude is something I am constantly seeking in fiction. I am looking for surface detail that makes something seem real.
I've been doing this long enough that you can tell when people have seen you in something they didn't enjoy, and when they have seen you in something they actually enjoyed.